beauty on all levels.


Growing a pineapple or something.

So, I've had some encounters with some very interesting people, in very interesting places, and I'll delve into some of that with my later posts... This is a quick story of how to make something out of trash.

Early one morning while sitting next to a stand up citizen at some public place we were stuck at, this lady decided to strike up conversation with me. We both discovered that we were part of the same field of profession, and from there uncovered some commonalities. One of which was gardening. She shared something with me I presumed to be bullshit, but opted to try it out anyway. If you're garden savvy, you're probably well aware of this.

Next time you buy a pineapple & dismember it. Save the top... Plant this top in some soil, points sticking out. Water, yatayatayata. 

Well, this pineapple top I experimented with back in September started looking like a rotting pineapple top in a pot. Until I checked on it this weekend, ready to dump the damn thing in a trashcan. It now looks like a rotting pineapple top with a new, alive pineapple top growing out of it. I will post an update if I care enough about it's well being later on. Actually, I'm pretty sure I'll update if it actually grows a pineapple. That would be f-ing amazing.

1 comment:

  1. At our studio rental we had four or so plastic containers with water and pineapple tops sitting on the rail to our lanai. The rest had been planted in the front yard and are growing. It will grow a pineapple but it will taKe around a year. Lots of people do this in Hawaii! :)
